2025 Skins Games
February - 5th, 19th, 26th
March - 5th, 19th, 26th
April - 2nd, 16th, 23rd, 30th
May - 7th, 21st, 28th
June - 4th, 11th, 25th
July - 2nd, 9th, 30th
August - 6th, 13th, 20th
September - 10th, 24th
October - 1st, 8th, 22nd
November - 5th, 12th, 19th
December - TBA
Skins Games Pricing
Targets Cost
Members $44.00
Non-Members $54.00
Skins Purse Fee is $10.00
Lunch is provided free of charge for all shooters pre-registered by Monday at 5pm.
Register for skins games by texting Greg - at 405-778-CLAY
Common Questions
What is a Skins Game?​
Skins for our purposes are a station. Each shooter puts up $1.00 per station and the top shooter on that station in their respective group.
What if two shooters in the same group tie on a station?​
The skins pool up, and the shooter who wins the next station outright can take the whole pot of skins.
What time does it start?
10am Shoot time Lunch to follow, during warm weather.
12pm Lunch - 1pm start during cold weather
The League Element
Each skin won, give you One Point. Who ever wins the most points by Dec 1st will get a custom trophy belt buckle. So, the more times you come, and the more times you win, you accumulate more points.
Initially classes are assigned by known ability and the discretion of management.
At the end of each month, all participants will be analyzed and moved up or down based on management's discretion.
There will always be a shooter floating between two classes, one class he/she is the worst, but will be the "best" in the class below. We will make every attempt to classify shooters to make things fair. Our goal is to make each shooter feel they can win their respective class each week. We also want to share the wealth and won't make it where one shooter just dominates B class all the time....
NSCA rules regarding pairs, no birds and common safety rules are in effect.
One view pair per squad per station.